The Bikwary were also there to give a performance of their hit “Tumbe”

Os Bikwary também estavam lá para dar uma performance de seu hit “Tumbe”.
Album: September 2019, Baila Afrika’s Trip
Tags: #September 2019
Angolans enjoyed a performance by Tash and Eddy from Baila Afrika during the party.

Os angolanos tiveram uma performance de Tash e Eddy de Baila Afrika durante a festa.
Album: September 2019, Baila Afrika’s Trip
Tags: #September 2019
A beautiful lunch at the beach in Lobito
Enjoying the marginal in Luanda

Apreciando a marginal em Luanda.
Album: September 2019, Baila Afrika’s Trip
Tags: #MixOctober19 #September 2019
They also enjoyed walks around the city of Benguela where they spent most their trip.

Eles também desfrutaram de passeios pela cidade de Benguela, onde passaram a maior parte da viagem.
Album: September 2019, Baila Afrika’s Trip
Tags: #September 2019
Join Angola organised an amazing tresure hunt around the city of Benguela.

Join Angola organizou uma incrível caça ao tesouro pela cidade de Benguela.
Album: September 2019, Baila Afrika’s Trip
Tags: #September 2019
They enjoyed more Kizomba/Semba at the beach with Turma do Básico.

Eles curtiram mais Kizomba / Semba na praia com o gruppo Turma do Básico.
Album: September 2019, Baila Afrika’s Trip
Tags: #September 2019
They also had a lot of fun at Baia Azul with the Turma do Básico school.

Eles também se divertiram muito na Baia Azul com o gruppo Turma do Básico.
Album: September 2019, Baila Afrika’s Trip
Tags: #September 2019
BailaAfrika was lucky to meet the administrator of Benguela at Katumbela airport.

BailaAfrika teve a sorte de encontrar o administrador de Benguela no aeroporto de Katumbela.
Album: September 2019, Baila Afrika’s Trip
Tags: #September 2019