This section will be updated regularly (at least twice a month) with videos of people from the Join Angola community dancing Angolan modern dances. To be a part of our community, just send us your videos and use the #joinangola hashtag on social media so that we can see your content!

Ego do Tchan – Brada do Copo

Angolan cooking class – Calulu de Peixe

[EP 5] Visit Angola with Kizomba dancers Criso & Ana!

💥 Beautiful KIZOMBA dance from Angola: Projecto Dance

[EP 4] Visit Angola with Kizomba dancers Criso & Ana!

💃🏾 Semba dance video by "Projeto Dance" 🔥

[EP 3] Visit Angola with Kizomba dancers Criso & Ana!

[EP 2] Exclusive tour of Benguela – fruit market and ice-cream

💃🏾Kizomba Festival in Angola 🇦🇴 you're invited!!

[EP 1] Exclusive Tour of Benguela – Praia Morena 🏖⛱

Artistas da Join Angola – Luta contra coronavírus

Juntos contra o VIH/SIDA

Another variation of the esquião

Kizomba leaders tutorial 🕺🏾

Beautiful "esquião" variation from Angola (Kizomba class)